Tuesday, March 22, 2011

eating disorders in teens

Eating disorders affect more teens than one would commonly think. Your job is to find an article online, from a verifiable news source, that has been written within the last 3 years. A news article is a story; this is not a time to post a WebMD or Wikipedia type summary of what these disorders are. If you aren't clear what a news article looks like, I highly suggest you come by office hours or email me your potential article.

You must post the link to this article, followed by a 2 paragraph (minimum) summary, followed by a one paragraph (minimum) commentary paragraph on the article. In order to write three paragraphs about it, your article should be of significant length and relevant to our study of anorexia, bulemia, or body dysmorphic disorder.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The sedentary problem

Look through the following website:


Read the articles under the "learn the facts" heading on the home page.

Answer the following as a response to this post:
1. Why do we have such a problem with kids and teens leading a sedentary lifestyle?
2. What are some of the lasting effects of not enough exercise?
3. What are the recommendations for daily exercise?

Finally, come up with a plan to encourage younger kids to be active. How would you "pitch" it to them? What would you do? (organize a day of field games? make posters and educate them?) This should be explained in detail. Try and tackle part of the problem, instead of the entire epidemic!

This response should be 2-3 paragraphs.

Reminder: copying what the article says is not responding.
Also, a paragraph is a minimum of 5 sentences.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Youth trends study

Read the following short article:
High School and Youth Trends (NIDA)

Respond to one of the positive findings and one of the areas of concern. Consider social implications, availability, costs, etc. in your responses. This should not be "I think it's good kids aren't smoking as much"...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Media unreality?

Read the following article:


Is photoshop usage in advertising "fair"? How does it make you feel knowing that advertisers aren't using 'real' people?

Find a photoshopped advertisement on the internet and post the picture. Respond to eachother's photos.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bullied into Anorexia?

Read the following article and respond by posting a comment. If someone has already posted an answer similar to yours, respond to a classmates comment.

Anorexia Bullying Settlement: First of its kind

1. Knowing what you do about the probable 'causes' of Anorexia, discuss how the bullying fits into that framework.
2. Why are 'fat jokes' seemingly tolerated? Why is weight seen as a 'weakness'?
3. Where are people developing their perception of the important of thinness- home, friends, media, somewhere else?