Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The sedentary problem

Look through the following website:

Read the articles under the "learn the facts" heading on the home page.

Answer the following as a response to this post:
1. Why do we have such a problem with kids and teens leading a sedentary lifestyle?
2. What are some of the lasting effects of not enough exercise?
3. What are the recommendations for daily exercise?

Finally, come up with a plan to encourage younger kids to be active. How would you "pitch" it to them? What would you do? (organize a day of field games? make posters and educate them?) This should be explained in detail. Try and tackle part of the problem, instead of the entire epidemic!

This response should be 2-3 paragraphs.

Reminder: copying what the article says is not responding.
Also, a paragraph is a minimum of 5 sentences.


  1. Today, children are not living the same lives their parents did thirty years ago. Parents used to walk to and from school everyday while in the meantime kids go to scholl in cars or busses. The lack of exercise in children is leading to an obese lifestyle. Along with lack of exercise, kids spend up to seven hours a day on electronics.
    Kids that don't get exercise not only hurt themselves but will also hurt their children in the long run. If the obesity level keeps getting higher, one in three kids will have diabetes. The lack of exercise hurts the body and prevents it from many daily routines.
    Children should exercise for at leats sixty minutes each day and should only be on electronics for two hours at most.
    In my efforts, I would educate the children on the problems of childhood obesity and what they could do to prevent it. Introducing new foods and activities would also help the problem.

  2. Kids and teens today have a very different lifestyle than they did 30 years ago. This problem is because of the lack of exercise we are getting. Years ago, kids used to have to walk to school, play at recess, and run around before and after dinner. Now, all of that has changed and is gone. Now, we take cars or buses to school, sports and physical activities are cancelled, and technology has set in. Kids come home and go straight to their computer, or Wii, or the TV. Meals have also been doubled. Before, kids used to eat smaller, home-cooked meals, and not snack all afternoon and all day. Now, fast food is readily available and snacking is natural. So many things have changed in over 30 years.
    Some of the lasting effects of not enough exercise are things like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and asthma. A recommendation for daily exercise is doing something active for 60 minutes a day. To encourage younger kids to become more active, we could make posters and speak to them about the dangers of obesity. Pitch to them all of the health dangers and restrictions that you will have if you keep your lifestyle the way it is. Cutting out snacks and eating less fast food and smaller meals will help solve part of the problem. To solve one of the other parts of the problem, we could educate the kids about exercise and how it is good and how it makes you feel good.

  3. The reson children and teens leading sedentary lives not is becasue it'll harm them in the future. The habits of not exercising carry on into their adult lives. Not having enough enough exercise now an affect a person in the long run. It leads to obesity and diabetes. It also causes you to just be plainn unhealthy. It's recomended that you exercise for 60 minutes a day.

    I would educate children on he risk of not exeercising enough and not eating correctly. I would organize a firel day where the kids just run around and play games and get exercise. Just encourage kids to go ouside and play for 60 minutes. At the end of the day, I'd ask them how much fun they had and if they want to have this much fun every day. When they say yes, which I'm hoping they will. I would tell them to play for and hour every day.

  4. Well, part of a reason that our kids are so lazy because half of them can not drive and none of them want to go outside and play something alone. The kids are influenced by there friends to just sit around and play xbox or Ps3 together or to watch a certain show. When you sit around and do nothing all day, all the fat from what you eat stays in your stomach and it soon gros bigger and bigger. Kids need to try to limit what they eat and when they eat and save the TV and video games after working out and having fun.
    If i were to try and change a kids way of life, I would set up a series of events that would be lots of fun. Events that would make the kid want to do them more often and for him to get his friends involved so it cuts down the amount of video games they play and how much TV they watch. First, I would set up like his favorite sport like a soccer game or a football game or a basketball game. Then after them running around a lot, have them swim and play like water volleyball. After having a full afternoon of events, have a nice healthy meal, while watching TV and playing video games. Then get a good nights rest, so he can be ready for the next day thats filled with fun.

  5. 30 years ago children walk to school were engaged in gym class rarely ate fast food almost never snacked and ate home meals. Today children take busses and cars to school, physical education and sports are cut from schools.Parents are to busy to cook meals and fast food is an easy o[ption along with snacking.Internet and tv now takes up free timke. In short we eat more calories and exercise less, therfore we gain weight.
    Heart disease, cancer, and stroke, which are the three leading causes of death, are long term effects of obesity. Exercise and eating well are proven to expand the life of any human. 60 minutes a day for children and 30 for adults,is the recomendation for exercise each day.
    Plan A is to go in the middle of the night and kidnap the obesity kids and put them in a camp. In the camp they will be forced to eat right and exercise, these valuse will then transfer back into thier normal lives outside of the camp. Plan B come up with sports teeams in the each city. Example since the schools cut sports programs make a multiple soccer teams in the city and they will practice and play each other.

  6. The problem with kids and teens are all the extra food and drinks that they have. 30 years ago teens had three meals and one snack a day. Today teens have three snacks a day including the three meals. Also their are not as much home meals cooked now a days. Kids and teens spend 7.5 hours a day infront of electronics. Instead of exercising. Kids and teens eat more fast food than they did 30 years ago.
    Lasting effects are chronic diseases, cancer, and stroke. These are the three leading causes in death in obesity. To prevent this kids should do at least one hour of physical activities. It controls your weight, builds muscle and decreases the risk of gettig obesity. Kids and teens should walk or ride bikes to school and after school play sports.

  7. Before kids and teens walked to school, played around, and were more active. Now kids don't do that because they don't have to; they have electronics that do things for them. Such as: videogames, cars, buses, tv, and internet. Kids also eat much more now than they used too causing them to be lazier and have less energy. Lasting effects from not enough exercise can cause many different health problems like heart problems, diabetes, and obesity. For excercising people can do sports and get active like running, swimming biking, etc.
    A way to promote both healthy eating and excercise is having children in all schools do atleast one sport. To show kids how tough it is to eat unhealthy while doing excercise which will help them eat healthier so playing the game will be easier and more fun. Making them become healthier by excericising and eating better

  8. The United States as a whole has problems with obesity (especially that in children), which have been amplified to a great degree over the past few decades. The chief cause of this is simply not enough exercise. As compared to thirty years ago, the average United States child has far less physical activity than they did beforehand. Whereas many children walked to school, played outdoors after school, and consumed far fewer fat and sugar calories (to the tune of 31% less calories total), modern-day American children often ride the bus or a car to school and far fewer get the recommended physical activity. The combined effects of this substantially less healthy lifestyle cumulate into a higher obesity rate for US citizens – dangerous, when considering the health problems obesity brings, such as an increased risk of contracting heart disease, high blood pressure, or asthma.

    To attempt to fix the problem, I’d first tackle the issue of awareness. Young children (and even parents) are sometimes unaware of the problems that occur without a healthy diet or physical exercise. Awareness of health problems like obesity can be raised in a way similar to current anti-smoking programs: rather than explaining in scientific detail what happens, simply summarize the effects and show pictures of dangerous fat in the body and hold school-wide seminars demonstrating the issues (again, similar to anti-smoking seminars: showing the graphic effect that smoking has on the lungs in a school-wide assembly). Hopefully, this approach would replicate the success of other such programs that intend to show young children the harsh reality of drugs, smoking, alcohol, or, in this case, obesity.

  9. Life styles for humans has changed. Todays world is greatly effected by the internet, T.V., and other technological devices. With all of these distractions children spend less and less time exercising and/or being active than in past years. It is estimated that children should get 60 minutes of physical activity a day to reduce the risk of obesity related health issues. These issues include; diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and high blood pressure.Another proble that effect the obesity rate is the increase in fast food consumption. Less home cooked meals result in a loss of portion size and therefore children and adults are eating greater portiions as well as less healthy choices i.e. vegetables. To help promote healthy life styles I would first find celebrities that promote healthy lifestlyes and use them as the "poster children." I would then show fun ways to be active other than the typical boring ways of exercising (running, push us, sit up setc.) The fun activitites would include games such as football and other sports as well as simple games like tag or dodgeball. Education on healthy foods and examples of healthy foods that taste great would also be very important to include in my presentation.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. In previous decades, children were more active. Now days people have cars so no one walks anywhere, and with all of the technology all kids want to stay inside and play. Because they are always inside playing games and stuff they never go outside to walk off all of the calories they get from the foods they eat. Also, in previous decades, all meals were home-cooked. No one ever really went out to eat fast food. Now everyone goes out to eat fast food and after they eat they usually go and play a video game, play on the computer, or watch tv. If they dont get up and move, the calories stay there, they are never worked off. To work off those calories, children should go out to play more and parents should get involved too to show their kids that they need to be active. Children tend to do what their parents do so watching parents exercise is a good way to get them motivated. If they dont exercise and eat healthy, they could be obese and get diabetes. Those are just two examples of the many things that could happen.
    To help kids become more active, I would come up with some fun games they could play. I would also include their parents in the games, because parents are a big part of the things that influence children. I would also organize dance classes. Dancing is a fun and easy way to lose weight. Also, instead of having chips and sodas for snacks, I would have fruits and water for them to eat and drink. These simple changes in a childs life could pay off later on in their lives.

  12. In modern times, children do not act the same way as children in the 70's. A main factor why the percentage of obeist children today is higher is because they have more modern electronics and they are just lazier. Kids back then would ride bikes and explore for recreation, while kids in modern times play Xbox or watch TV for entertainment. Another reason why modern time kids are not as healthy is that fast food restaurants have been increasingly starting to control the food market. All families in the 70's would eat dinner at home everynight. Now, only a few families consistently eat at home on a regular basis. The lasting effects of the unhealthy diet and exersise of kids these days can, and most likely will lead to cancer, asthma, diabetes, and or high blood pressure.

    Some recommendations for exercise could be to join a sports team and exersise for atleast thirty minutes to and hour 5 days a week. And for kids to not spend their whole weekends playing Xbox or watching TV, but to go outside and play with their friends. My plan to get kids to exersise more would be to make every kid go to a gym class and have a forty five minute exersising period. Also, I would get schools to monitor the lunches and create healthy diets for the students. In the end, a healthy exersise and diet could lead to a healthy future for kids in America.

  13. Over time kids have left the old habits they use to have decades ago. Kids would walk to school, play outside, and have healthy meals everyday with vegatables on their plates. now kids are very lazy and often eat fast food, they never work out, and most kids take the bus of drive to school instead of walking.Instead of playing outside kids now have video games, TV, and their computers.Another big thing is the amount of calories kids take in due to portion sizes going up so much.
    Without enough exercise people can get diabetes, cancer, asthma, high blood pressure, and heart disease. If people keep eating without enough exercise they will eventually become overweight.
    People are suppose to get anywhere between 30 minutes to 1 hour of exercise a day. This can be just by going for a run around the neighborhood or going to the gym for a little bit or kids can take up a sport and get more exercise from practice by doing something they love. Exercise alone is good but eating healthier is key to have a healthy lifestyle.
    Do get kids to try more things they should make a day like they do on some tv shows where if you change to that channel it says no shows today go play outside. one day facebook should shut down for the day for everyone to do something else. At the end of every trimester of a school year they should have an all school field day for everyone to get better in shape. Schools could also come up with classes to get students more aware of obesity and teach them helpful way to stay in shape.

  14. In our past generation, known as the “baby boomers”, children would walk to school, play outside, and take a required Gym class. Dinner portions were reasonable, snacks and fast food were a rare treat. But nowadays, we have buses and carpools, gym classes are cut, and fast food has become a normal meal. Video games, the internet, cell phones and overall technology have spoiled our generation. Now we have a large percentage of obese children that could have heart disease, diabetes, and asthma. These risks are too dangerous for us to take. Luckily I have come up with ways to save us all from the horrors of fat people.
    Instead of playing Xbox for the whole weekend, take a walk to a friends house, maybe stop at a gas station for a small healthy treat such fruit or a sports drink. Another way of improvement is to invest in getting a new invention that allows children to cycle on a cycling machine that powers a video game, the only way that the game stays on is if you are peddling. This combines the lazy hobby of playing xbox, and the reward of a good workout. As well as that, there is the Wii, and xbox kinnect. Lastly, is to look up fat people on google images. This shows pages and pages of fat people that cant even get out of bed. It should disgust you enough to get your butt out of the recliner chair and start playing outside.

  15. Kids today have dramatically different lifesyles than the genereations before them. This is largely due to the availability of fast foods and forms of entertainment that do not require physical envolvement. This problem has been exaserbated by the lack of solid physical education programs in school and also by unhealthy choices in school lunch menus. The inevitable result of this modern lifestyle is obesity. Obesity causes cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and high cholesteral as well as type 2 diabites. Preventing obesity would help curve the number of people with these conditions.

    To help prevent childhood obesity America needs changes in school fitness programs and social pressures need to be present to help children be more fit. Schools need to cut unhealthy meals out of their lunches and provide vegetables with all meals, in addition rigorous daily PE classes should become mandatory for all students without a medical condition that would prevent particapation. Furthermore a stigma should be put on unhelathy habits; soft drinks and fast food should be looked at with disdain. Long periods of watching TV or surfing the internet should be embarissing to people. In this way people would become healthier by preforming more dynamic physical activity and eating healther.

  16. 1. We have such a problem because in our generation the new technology is bringing kids inside to do activities instead of going outside. Instead of playing outside kids are staying in their houses and watching tv or playing video games. Kids in our generation are eating more fast food then home cooked meals that have vegetables . So when they stay inside they are not burning off the calories that they have been eating from fast food.
    2. Some lasting effects of not enough exercise are heart problem, diabetes, cancer and asthma. Also some lasting effects of not enough exercise are more fat build up since kids are not using their muscles to play. When kids stay inside all their fat is stored and not burned off and that’s why our generation has a high obesity rate.
    3. Recommendations for exercise are instead of staying inside all day watching tv or playing video games you should get up and play with your friends outside. You could also walk to a friend’s house and play with them there. Sports teams are a good idea for daily exercise also because it lets you have fun with your friends and do a fun activity.

  17. 1. With the invention of modern transportation and easy to reach entertainment, sitting down in one place for a long period of time is normal for kids and teens these days. Back when our parents were our age, because they did not have the technology we have today they would walk and bike to eachother's houses and play outside. I think technology plays a huge role on why kids are so sedentary these days.

    2. Not staying fit and healthy now can lead to major problems later. As kid's bodies mature and bad eating and excercising habits conitinue, then as adults they are at a higher risk for high blood pressure, cancer and asthma.

    3. Since excersising is not the first thing on every kid's mind, it is important that they all paricipate in gym class, and playing outside. Now kid's are only getting one-third the excersise they need, which is a problem that can be easily fixed.

    I think getting children up and moving is very important. It is not healthy for children to be sitting down staring at a screen all day. Since I am very active i feel like i can help get children the excersise they need. To do this I think i could organize and after-school recess two to three times a week to get kids moving!
    Children love recess and children need more excersise. If they had an hour and half time after school three times a week to get out and move it would affect the way children veiw playing outside. Instead of sitting at home watching sports on the tv, go outside during this time and play the sports themselves! On the different days they have the recess it could be diffetently themed to make it more fun.
    Children really need this excersise and they also need outdoor time. They need to see that being sedetary in front of a screen is not healthy! The after school recess will not only help them to start getting more active, but I also think it will show them that playing and excersising outside is fun, and maybe it might convince them to go out and be active on their own.

  18. The shocking increase of children not wanting to (in some cases not even able to) simply go outside and play with their friends has become a new "hot topic" in this country. The main reason for this is the amount of technology being brought into the hands of these kids. They haven't yet realized the lasting effects of small, or none, amounts of exercise and overeating throughout the entire day. The effects could be from social putdowns to diseases in the blood and heart. After a daily dose of homework, (or even before) children must have some sort of workout for atleast sixty minutes. This prevents fat from clustering into the blood vessels.
    Knowing that America is the fattest country in the world, (and Texas having the most and fattest cities in the nation) the elder ones need to take action. First and formost is to find a disciplinary movement that will allow the kids to get off their handheld devices. The child (if having no siblings) should seek some friends from within the neighborhood and just play outside, backed by parents motivating their children and themselves. Without parents motivating their kids, it may be nearly impossible for children to lose the quickly stacking fat. It is also the parents' responsibility to take care of the childrens diet. Schools must also offer a healthy, but desiring meal (if they even provide a meal). It's also a good idea for older kids to show younger ones what they do to keep a healthy life. Then actually getting to know one another and playing on a daily basis. It's up to the elders to correct the youngers.

  19. Kids in this generation move around less due to transportation to school and other places, people no longer walk to their destinations like past gernerations. They also eat more snacks than past generations, which the past generations ate up to one snack a day, but the new generation eats up to 1-5 snacks a day. The more snacks they eat, the more calories they eat, which only builds up into fat due to the lack of more movement and excercise. The more people stop moving around and excercising, the less their metabolism will take care of those extra calories from snacks and other food.The lasting effects of not excercising enough is the build up of fat, which can lead to many fatal diseases such as Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, etc. It will also lead to social discrimination. I would suggest to teach kids these days to try to excercise and go play outside more instead of staying home all day and do nothing that uses a lot of movement such as watching t.v., playing video games, going on the com[puter, etc. I would also try to make the plan seem more fun by trying to relate excercising to their everyday life, in their free time they should do quick streches and maybe even some excercising methods such as sit up, push ups, crunches, etc. I would also suggest to get up and move around more than to be sitting aorund doing nothing. I would also try to show them how eating extra snacks isn't neccesary for a daily basis. A snack a day is enough to keep enough energy in your body. I think with this plan, kids will be a bit more healthier and will continue to teach their children the same thing the plan taught them.

  20. John Mark's blog continued

    I would use the celebrities to give the children people to look up to for a reason to be healthy. I would also talk to other adults about the food they serve their children at home and in cafeterias in school. I would also try to persuade kids to play video games such as the Wii in order to stay active. Hopefully all of this would help persuade kids to live a healthier life style

  21. Firstly, we have a major problem with kids and teens leading sedentary lifestyles because the majority of kids in the US lead sheltered lifestyles. Parents are not aggressive enough towards their inactive, lazy children. They have a distorted view that talking directly to their children about their health is bad. Wrong. The only way we will be able to, as a society, get rid of the sedentary lifestyle is by direct confrontation. It’s a problem for our society. The parents of now are raising a society of people who want everything handed to them, so that they don’t have to do any work on their own. It’s not only a health problem, as sedentary lifestyles effect the heart and waist, but has an economic effect as well. According to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in the year 1998, it cost $78.5 billion dollars, and according to the online magazine, the Work Force, in 2000, overweight and obese Americans cost the U.S. economy an estimated $117 billion dollars. Now the heath problem, as stated, is a degradation of the heart and an increase in waist size, which leads to problems in the knees. To solve this problem, working out is necessary. But working out is not enough, John Foreyt, Ph.D., director of the Behavioral Medicine Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine and an obesity expert, says, "But exercise alone is not a magic bullet for weight control. The benefits of combining physical activity with calorie control are even greater, including helping America start to make significant progress in stemming the obesity epidemic." So what can we do to demote the sedentary lifestyle? Well we must reach the younger generation through, entertainment and media. Have pro-exercise advertisements to target the lazy stay at home kids.

  22. 1. Why do we have such a problem with kids and teens leading a sedentary lifestyle?

    In a world to day where everything has to do with technology children are being less physically active.The children of today spend their lives in front of a T.V. with a controller in their hands, instead of goingoutside and doing physical activities. The children of past decades had no games to play therefore they
    spent their time outside playing sports for example basketball, kids now a days feel they don't need to play basketball when they can be Lebron on the game. The problem with this lifestyle is leading to health when you get no exercise and do nothing but lounge around and play games this can effect your health tremendously.

    2. What are some of the lasting effects of not enough exercise?

    Exercise is vital to your well being and and is needed in life to make for an overall healthier you.The lack of exercise today is shortening lives and causing health problems for people that shouldn't have them.There are many times where the lack of exercise has prevented people from doing everyday things like even walking their dog. The more exercise the better you and better life.

    3.What are the recommendations for daily exercise?

    To exercise and be healthy should not be a strain on your life and it doesn't take hours to do.Exercise could be as simple as taking a run for 30 minutes or just doing some push ups and
    sit ups.Anything that's active and could be looked at as a form of exercise is good to do. Walking your dog for a while could even be a workout.Be active and do something.

    Kids love to have fun so an easy way for them to active is to play a sport or a game.So what i would do is organize a field day where the kids would compete against each other in a number of games or sports.The filed day would show that you can go out side and have just as much fun as playing video games. It would show that you can be active and be healthy while having fun.

  23. 1. Well today we have more advanced technology than people trity years ago and it sometimes feels better to play than to go outside and play tag or soccer. Me personaly I would rather get on the internet than take a jog or play hide and seek. And this act is just passing on from generation to generation.I and today some kids don't get balanced meals as they ought to. And we eat more snacks than they used to which leads to alot of extra calories.
    2.By not eating right and excersing properly and you get obesesed. It can lead to pychologlcal and health problems. the heath problems are Heart disease Type 2 diabetes Asthma Sleep apnea.You probaly would also have a lot of social discrimination. Being obesed could permenantly damage your self-esteem.
    3.Your daily exersise could just be a simple jog around the park. you could also do some sit-ups and some other activity at long as you are active.

    To help the problem first I would plan community "feild days" which are free to motavate kids to be active. At the feild day they would have healthy snacks and fruit juice. They would have baked chips instaed of the regular ones. The feild day woul end with eveyone being a winner cause they are active and they all get a prize.
    At the feild day they would have games the use a lot of upper body strenght like tug -of-war. they would have games that promoted leg ussage such as relay races. they would have activies to promote how fun being active is.

  24. Kids and teens today are following a sedentary lifestyle mainly because of technology. A recent study was done to show that 23% of teens are clinically and pathologically addicted to video games and the average child age 13 to 18 spend 14 hours playing video games per week. Technology has made incredible advancements over the past few years that Americans should be proud of, but it's come to a point where kids today do not even leave their homes.
    Some short term effects of going without exercise would be things such as a low stamina, obesity, and high blood pressure and cholesterol. Without exercise, your body does not have enough of what it needs to keep your blooding flowing smoothly. Some of the more long term effects no exercise can have on you would be diabetes, a weak immune system, a weak skeleton, and weak muscles. When doing a good workout, your muscles begin to tear. The damaged muscle cells release tissue growth factors to heal the damaged muscle fibers, reinforcing them to make the muscle fibers bigger and stronger. Without exercise, your muscles cannot get the workout they need to be strong.
    Some recommendations for daily exercise are going outside and jogging, doing yoga or pilates or some fitness class at the YMCA, or just playing outside. Also, playing a sport is a good way to exercise because exercise is much easier when you enjoy it. A last resort would be to at least play a sport on the Wii or X-Box.

    If I had a day dedicated to encouraging kids to be more active, there would be plenty of activities to keep people busy. One would be watching a video showing the effects of obesity, what obesity can look like, and other facts and statistics about people who live sedentary lifestyles. Afterwards, there would be active games and relays for the kids or teens with prizes for the winners in order to keep them interested. Finally, there would be a three mile run(or walk) in order to raise money for people with diabetes.

  25. Kids 30 years ago were a lot more active than they are today. They ran around at recess and walked to and from school. Today, they have cars and busses to take them to school, recess isn’t as active, and gym classes have been cut. Kids are not as active now days because of technology and families not having enough time to cook home cooked meals, which causes them to eat out a lot and get fast food.
    Some of the lasting effects of not enough exercise are heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and asthma.
    Some recommendations for daily exercise is having kids exercise at least an hour every day to keep them moving and not thinking about food or video games, the tv, etc. Kids need to be active every day and cut back on the amount of snacking they do. If they do this, they will see tremendous results.
    My plan to encourage other kids to be active would involve making posters of the right foods to eat and list healthy and quick ways to make meals to prevent them not to eat out all the time. Other things I would do is make up games involving running or jumping, anything having to do with moving and being active.

  26. We now have such a problem with kids and teens leading a sedentary lifestyle because life has become much busier and face paced. There are now so many electronics that kids forget about going outside and become addicted videogames and TV. Life has become more stressful for families, so getting fast food is a much easier and less time consuming than cooking a meal. Some of the lasting effects of not enough exercise include heart disease, cancer, and strokes. Kids are recommended to exercise for 60 minutes every day.

    I would first start by educating kids how dangerous not eating healthy or exercising enough is. I would also have a day where kids spent the whole day outside playing sports and activities, so they could experience and feel how much better it is to be outside exercising, instead of inside starring at a screen. This would hopefully make kids realize what they have been missing, and how much better they feel after exercising and eating healthy.

  27. Many years ago, children had more responsibility to entertain themselves. Children would go outside and play by themselves, with friends, etc. This outside exercises helped children stay in shape and keep their weight down. Also, kids these days play a lot of video games and use other electronice,such as cell phones and computers, to fill their free time. These electronics are not physical activities and keep children inside. Along with electronics, more people eat at fast food restaurants and eat fatty foods in general. Many years ago, kids walked to and from different places. Now,parents drive their children everywhere, even if the activities are only a mile away.
    Not exercising can cause things such as heart problems, cancer, and asthma. Many people suffer from diabetes which is a common problem with not exercising enough and eating unhealthy. Also, people cann have heart failures, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
    If i were to teach children, I would make a very bold move. I would show them the problems and give them solutions. I would make a day for all schools that the kids exercised and played outside all day, but for lunch they would eat healthy food. Most importantly I would use a well-known celebrity to get the point across. The celebrity could not be an older person, but a young singer, actress, or even handsome boy. Today's media has a large weight on how children see the importance of things.
