Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Media unreality?

Read the following article:

Is photoshop usage in advertising "fair"? How does it make you feel knowing that advertisers aren't using 'real' people?

Find a photoshopped advertisement on the internet and post the picture. Respond to eachother's photos.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bullied into Anorexia?

Read the following article and respond by posting a comment. If someone has already posted an answer similar to yours, respond to a classmates comment.

Anorexia Bullying Settlement: First of its kind

1. Knowing what you do about the probable 'causes' of Anorexia, discuss how the bullying fits into that framework.
2. Why are 'fat jokes' seemingly tolerated? Why is weight seen as a 'weakness'?
3. Where are people developing their perception of the important of thinness- home, friends, media, somewhere else?