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Anorexia Bullying Settlement: First of its kind
1. Knowing what you do about the probable 'causes' of Anorexia, discuss how the bullying fits into that framework.
2. Why are 'fat jokes' seemingly tolerated? Why is weight seen as a 'weakness'?
3. Where are people developing their perception of the important of thinness- home, friends, media, somewhere else?
I could see how bullying could easily cause anorexia, because the child would want it to stop and would try to fix the problem as quick as they could. Which could lead them to anorexia, they want to be like others not getting bullied. I think fat jokes are tollerated because people don't want to show that they are not happy with being the size they are so they just go along and laugh with them. Being overweight is seen as a weakness simply cause actors and people who are attractive usually do not contain this feature. Abs and a skinny waiste is what is naturally atractive to the human. Which leads to the question where this perception develops. From t.v. And media, most famous actors/actresses are skinny and have nice bodies, thus making kids think to be famous I have to be skinny or at a average weight. Which is not true.
ReplyDeleteSince Anorexia is more of a phycological disease I can totaly understand how bullying would fit into a cause of Anorexia. When you have Anorexia and you feel like you have lost control of life then the bullying plays in because they feel like they have lost control of their body since people call them fat. I think that fat jokes are tolerated because since so many people joke about being fat that the ones who are affected by it just put on a smile and pretend to not care when they realy do. Weight is seen as a weakness because half of the time the ones that are fat aren't as popular and the popular kids are all just thin. I think that people are developing their perception of the importance of thinness from magazines, tv, and the internet because people see all of the thin models whose thinness is very distorted.
When kids are bullied they feel like they are imperfect. Sometimes, they feel like fixing the problem means being perfect. Therefore, they strive to be the skinny, beautiful, popular person that has control over their life instead of somebody else, which may cause them to develop anorexia. I think that people tolerate fat jokes and weight is seen as a weakness because it symbolizes that imperfection, and calling people out on that does not bother the bystanders. The importance of thinness is coming mostly from the media. We see perfect people walking around on screen and in magazine ads and we think that because they are there advertising that product and we find them attractive, they are the standard of "beautiful" and anything different is unacceptable. What we do not realize is that the people we see in those magazines and on TV aren't even real. Yes, they are based off of real people but they are not what they originally look like. They've been altered by computers and makeup and lighting, so in a sense the "beautiful" that we constantly try to achieve is, in fact, impossible- an illusion that tricks us into thinking that we are fat and ugly, yet we're not.
Anorexia i normally thought to be caused by social structures so it is not a far stretch for anorexia to be linked to bullying. Bullying is usually from one social class to another, meaning that higher social classes are going to bully others in lower classes to make them feel better. Sort of like your older sister talking down to you. Your classmates are your part-time family, you see them five days a week.
ReplyDeleteFat jokes are tolerated because Fatness or obesity is not generally seen as a medical disease. People draw a line between something that isn't what they are like when it gets to certain diseases; except in the cases of certain medical brain conditions, such as intelligence and other deficiencies. People draw the line at physical disabilities or physical health problems. This is why people don't make fun of diabetes or high blood pressure or cancer. Weight is seen as a weakness because the people who in school society that have everything going for them aren't usually fat. They are the athletes and cheerleaders.
The media is a major cause of this because most people on T.V. and in magazines are fairly skinny because it is seen as attractive. This can cause more insecurity for anorexics because they could be comparing themselves to people that have the healthy lifestyles or can afford different things that they can. Also heir body has regulation for what they should look like and those supermodels could have done things to themselves that is not healthy.
Anorexia is not just a physical disorder but a phsycological disorder as well. Anorexia is mostly due to low self esteem, peer pressure, and in some cases, bullying. People who are bullied about their weight become very self conscious and feel it necessary to fix it. Weight is something we have control of and people fix their weight by not eating. Bullying is not the only way people get the idea of their weight imperfection though. People can also develop the idea of needing to have a "perfect" body through television shows, magazines, movies, and even out peers. But in reality there is no such thing as the "perfect" body. Everyone has their own perception of what they find acceptable.
ReplyDeleteSince Anorexia is a physiological disorder as well, as others have mentioned, it can be set off by deep emotional disturbances or any verbal taunting. When people are taunted for their weight, they act like it doesn't bother them because they don't want to appear weak. Like Mrs. Jameson said, people have two personalities, one for public, and one for personal. Sometimes, as with taunting, the personal side becomes hurt and distressed, leading to disorders like Anorexia. Society believes that the public persona should remain strong and steadfast, and it is also society that seems to need to test that strength, sometimes causing real harm. We also have this strange perception that being thin is the only way to get accepted into society and social groups. I think we all get this feeling from pop-stars, actors, and models. And since this type of model is the only one advertised on TV or magazines, it leads people to think that is the ONLY way to fit in and be accepted(especially since stars are criticized for their weight). Overall, weight is a big weakness because we are becoming such a narrow-minded society and if you are not the standard perception, you are considered weak for not being able to do so. This is not right of corse, but the majority of society seems to think so.
I agree that bulling is a huge part of the picture. since anorexia is a psycological disorder the people affected just felt that they were imperfect or all the weight comments got to them. they just want it to stop like what happened last year with me i just wanted all the pain to stop. the kids just want to fit in, but nobody will stop so they just won't eat. fat jokes seem tolerable because people don't want face the reality of their own weight. people get the obsurd idea that thinness is important from of course the media. since people in magazines such as celebrities and models are thin we think we need to be thin.
ReplyDeleteAnorexia could possibly be called one of the world's most dangerous physcolgical disorders. It all starts with someone saying a joke, then another, then another, and so on and so fourth. Some how in today's world the thinner means the better. Also, since bullying is also a common factor in today's schools, the chances of someone you know who may be made fun of because of their weight is more than likely. Fat jokes are tolerated because most people dont have the courage to stand up to those who go after people's weight, which is seen as a weakness.
Bullying could easily be a main factor in anorexia. The person could get called fat as a joke and take it personally. A person could take extreme measures to get the bullying to stop. Mainstream media causes people to think they need to have a perfect body. For some this means skinny. Anorexia is a huge problem for people. Also the media needs to help and try not to convince people that they need to have a "perfect" body. In school people seem to use weight as a tactic to make feel insecure and bad about themselves. Weight is a huge weakness for most people.
ReplyDelete-Tony de Bruyn
Bullying is a big factor for some people with anorexia. These people may be teased about their weight, or because of other things like looks, clothes or social status. They feel like they need to control at least something in their life, so they choose to control their weight by basically starving themselves. Weight jokes can be very offensive to people who take their weight seriously, even when the speaker was totally kidding. When you are self conscious about your weight, even if the issue is implied, it can be very upsetting. There is a huge amount of pressure put on people about weight. We see models and actresses and compare ourselves to them, we even compare ourselves with friends and peers.
ReplyDeleteI can see how bullying can easily be a factor in causing anorexia, because everybody, young and old, is more concerned about what people think about them, than what they know to be true about themselves. When somebody is told that they have 'something wrong with them' or that 'something they have isn't good enough' they feel poorly of themselves. I think when people call others fat, or overweight, this is definitely one of the reasons people, espically girls develope anorexia. Weight is seen as a weakness because when we see other people around us, like friends, people in magazines and people on tv, we feel like we need to be more like that, and what we have isn't good enough.
ReplyDeleteBeing bullied about your weight is a huge factor in developing eating disoreders like anorexia. Everyday we see adds, comercials,pictues, movies,and articels about gorgeous, thin, happy people and we wish that we could be like them. but some people wish so much that they harm themselves inorder to look thin. I think that when someone is bullied about their weight they want to change themselves so much, they can come back and prove that person wrong and make them feel dumb for saying what they said. people see weight as a weakness because it takes a long time to chang your weight so it gives people something to make fun of for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI totally understand why this could happen. Bullying is a big issue today and most schools don't do much about it. That is slowly starting to change, but bullying can still have a huge effect on the victim, as stated in this article. Most people who are overweight are very sensitive to it. Some people are even sensitive to it who are no where close to being overweight. The slightest thing can push a person over the edge.
ReplyDelete-Mark Moebius
There are so many reasons that Anorexia is caused and bullying is unfortunately one of them. Bullying is tolerated more because kids think that it’s okay to call someone fat but they are not thinking that that person is probably taking it personally. The child who is receiving the fat jokes just goes along with it and doesn’t stand up for themselves because they probably just think that it’s true. Since kids think so much of their body image nowadays they do things like not eat just to fit in with all of the kids who aren’t having weight issues. Sometimes kids can have family issues and they think that anorexia is a way to get away from the situation. Media, I think is the main problem. So many kids watch Television and they see commercials of skinny people basically saying that they should look like them with their perfect bodies but the reality of it is that they aren’t really real. Most kids who see that think that they should look like the people on TV but what they don’t see is that it isn’t healthy at all.
Bullying can cause Anorexia because if they say your fat, then you want it to stop by loosing weight fast. Fat jokes are tolerated because when someone calls you fat you atomaticly think your fat without thinking that you might not be fat. Weight is seemed as a weakness because some people don't stand up from them selves or they get bullied way to much about it. The perception of thinness comes from the media and school. For the media part, if you see a celeberty that you like and that celeberty is thin, then you want to be as thin as them. For the school part, if you see somebody who is thin and well liked because of it then you want to be thin just like them.
ReplyDelete- Maria Iqbal
Bullying could very easily cause Anorexia because when you are bullied it makes you feel im-perfect, and it makes you feel like something is wrong with you. When you are bullied constantly over something about your appearance, you began to realize that weight is something you can control. Some people choose to go on diets, but in extreme cases some kids could take it to the next level and choose to be anorexic. Fat jokes are always tolerated, because good friends always joke about weight with eachother and it doesnt seem like a big deal at all. Weight is a weakness because people are really sensitive about their weight, and it is so easy to give in to pressure and try and look like all the celebrities and models. It is also a weakness because when you see other people who are skinnier or prettier than you it automatically makes yourself feel bad, and you try to change that.
ReplyDeleteThe Perception of being thin is way over done by the media.
In magazines,movies,tv shows, or on the internet everyone is beautiful and skinny which makes you feel really bad about yourself.
Also in the movies, everyone is portrayed as the skinny popular cheerleader, the football jock, or the ugly nerd.
and really, who wants to be the nerd?
so everyone starts to change to be more like the cheerleader/football players because that is what they believe beauty and thinness is.
Bullying is a big factor of Anorexia. People who are bullied about how "fat" they are tend to develop Anorexia. No one wants to look fat and no one wants other people thinking they are fat unless the aren't self conscious then they might not care what other people think. Fat jokes are tolerated because friends joke around and say "oh you look fat in that" but they no they do not mean it cause they are your best friends. Weight is a weakness because people dont want to be fat or have people think they are fat. Everyone wants to be the skinniest person in the world and look like the models but what some people dont realize is that people in magazines usually are fixed up on the compupter to make them look skinnier and prettier. People are getting their perception of thinness all from the media and tv. What most people dont realize that it takes a long time to make people in tv shows and style magazines to look really pretty and skinny. They make a lot of people look skinny and pretty from the computer. You can completely make someone look like something they arent. Everyone wants to be the thinnest in the school so everyone will like them!
ReplyDeleteVery similar to how the media portrays the way a "normal" person should look bulling can also have a similar affect. The media shows young kids that a "normal" person should be extremely skinny, very pretty and unhealthy. But kids don't understand that the world that they portray is very fake. Bulling can have a similar affect because if kids are constantly being taunted about their weight, the kid will do anything they can do to prevent this. So bulling can definitely lead to anorexia. Today fat jokes are tolerated because more and more kids are becoming over weight that it is becoming more common, and kids pick other peoples weakness's to make them feel better about themselves. Not only in the media but kids are developing their perception of thinness could also be in their own home. Their is so much pressure on kids in some families to be successful, and become something that their parents never where.
ReplyDelete-Matt Johnsrud
The bullying could definitely cause anorexia. Because of the media and how our friends look greatly alter our idea of what is beautiful. No one now can accept being slightly overweight. They always want to be skinny. If some one else were to start calling them fat and bullying them about their weight then they would be very self conscious and want to do something about it. That might definitely lead to anorexia. I know how it feels because I am even bullied some times about my weight. Fat jokes appear to be tolerated because people are so adept to hiding how they really feel instead of confronting the bully and telling them how they really feel. No one ever really tries to talk about how they really feel anymore so they just suppress everything until it all turns into depression, anorexia, or something even worse. Our perception of the importance of thinness mainly comes from the media and our friends. The media is an obvious source because almost every actor is in perfect shape. This makes us want to look like that person, which leads to serious dieting or eating disorders. Another source is our friends. Without trying, we always envy our friends and compare ourselves to them. If we think that our friends are skinnier than us then we want to be like them and go to extreme measures, its not even their faults.
ReplyDeleteIt seems very likely the bullying is can be directly related to anorexia because the person would want the abuse to stop and drastically decreasing the amount of food they eat seams like the easiest and fastest way to loose that weight. Fat jokes are almost always incorporated in the bullying strategy but at the same time people here it all the time that they get used to hearing it and just ignore It. Some people view fat people as having no concern or care about their body. i believe that most people perceive the idea of being skinny through TV or the internet as well as people around them that they interact with.
ReplyDeleteThere are many probable causes of anorexia. Much of the disorder is psychological. Lately, anorexia is being more and more downplayed; many people think, "well yeah, that's sad, but all they have ot do is start eating again, and tehy will be fine." It is not as simple as that. Starting to eat again is extremely hard for one who is anorexic. Also, putting on more than three pounds a week is unhealthy. That being said, putting the weight one might have lost is a long process. Bullying, in my opinion, is most definitely a major factor in anorexia. Bullying tends to lead to a low self esteem. Having a low self esteem is one of the probable causes of anorexia. If someone is bullying you, that makes you feel bad and angry all at once. You would give anything to prove that bully wrong, so many try to. This may lead to anorexia if the "victim" is experiencing "fat jokes". Speaking of fat jokes, fat jokes are becoming more and more tolerated every day. This may be a result from funny movies or television. Whatever the cause is, many people don't think twice about them. They simply laugh and don't think about the person who is on the other end of the joke. That person may be laughing, but on the inside they could be crushed. The tolerance for fat jokes is rediculous and schools and peers should continue to stick of for one another and realize that they are not okay. Personally, i believe the media is giving people their own perception of the "look". Models, actresses, singers; they all seem so thin. Everyone wants to be them. This leads one to put an image in their head that this is what I should look like, when much of that is airbrush and photoshop. People don't realize that SO much of that is fake. Anorexia is a serious problem and people need to consider the serious problems it causes.
ReplyDeleteBullying is a big factor of Anorexia. Some people might feel insecure about their weight because they compare themselves to the people around them. People with low selfesteem can get anorexia because other people can be bullying them about their weight and apperance.
ReplyDelete-Eric Hernandez
ReplyDeleteBullying is definitely a leading cause to anorexia. "fat jokes" are considered bullying and they make people think about their weight. these jokes lead to people creating false images of them self. with these false images of them self anyone can easily form an eating disorder like anorexia. Bullies pick on weight too so to people it is a weakness. no one wants to be picked especially if they know a flaw or two they possess. something like weight isn't something people want other people to know about. we receive tons of pictures of the "hottest" or "skinniest" models out there and sure they are the hottest or the skinniest, but thats not the image people need to see because its not a reality. you can be a model in your own eyes but it takes time and effort, people that develop anorexia cant wait and they stop eating. anorexia is a life threatening illness and if because of bullying it is seen all around the world. with simple acts of kindness illnesses like anorexia will be diagnosed much less world wide.
ReplyDeleteBullying i think can cause anorexia because when people get sad sometimes they eat alot but in this case the person didnt eat enough. fat jokes are tolerated because people who are fat know they are fat so they can take a joke about them being fat .
ReplyDeleteandreww h
andrew haubenstsricker
Bullying can definitely cause anorexia because a lot of people are insecure about there weight and one "joke" could cause them to become anorexic. Fat jokes can be tolerated easier because normally these are the people who are not insecure about themselves and are accepting of their weight. People are developing their perception of thinness just about everywhere. The media is applying a lot of pressure towards thinness today ranging from magazines to commercials on TV. Even today you hear parents telling kids to not eat so much, which is just not right...